
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All things Spring!

So the snow has fiiiinally melted and the sunny days are becoming more frequent. Hurrah! I can now safely cycle to work now, a big plus :-) With warmer weather brings spring-time activities. I've already sweated my way through two marathons (don't be fooled by the name, it was only 5km!) We were creative and spelled "Toya" (the name of the town where the "marathon" was held) with our bodies!

Nifty, eh?

Had one school sport's carnival: There are always two teams-red and white. The white team won this year with a special Team Dance danced to a song from High School Musical! And they shouted out the English lyrics that they knew :-) Sweet!

And the other day I was invited out by one of the primary schools to plant rice the old-fashioned way. It was very spur of the moment so I wasn't exactly appropriately attired! The entire school jumped in the rice paddy bare-foot and continued to squelch and scream and plant tiny little seedlings. It was so fun!

I've never heard so many squeals (from myself included!)!

This interesting contraption makes the holes where the seedlings are to go. Interesting stuff!

My lovely attire..

The next big even on my schedule is the Yosakoi-a giant dancing street parade in Sapporo which is endless amounts of fun! Amid the frivolity there's a superhero costume party for a friend of mine, for which, with my newly red tresses, I'll dress as Poison Ivy! Putting my sewing skills to the test :-s I'll keep you posted :-)
